Keep Your Finger on the Pulse with Marketing Highlights

Introducing Marketing Highlights, an interactive overview of the key strategic marketing metrics

Andrew Wooler
December 8th, 2022

One of the key challenges that Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and other marketing leadership face is the lack of a clear playbook for setting up and tracking what’s going on with their marketing practice, especially when starting a new role or implementing big changes. CMOs often find that it’s too difficult to inform and sharpen their strategic vision with key measurements, either because there’s not a blueprint for how or what their team should be measuring, or because it’s a significant work effort to put these measurements together.

To address this challenge, Mperativ is introducing Marketing Highlights, an interactive overview of the key strategic marketing metrics. Marketing Highlights allows CMOs to easily assess the status of critical performance indicators across demand generation, conversion rates, campaigns, ideal customer profiles, and target accounts. This helps CMOs to quickly understand the velocity and health of their demand engine and determine whether their marketing strategy is having the desired effects.

In Mperativ, Marketing Highlights acts as a high-level overview of your marketing practice. All metrics link to corresponding Revenue Insights or Opportunities that can be viewed for more in-depth analysis.

Track funnel trends such as opportunity generation, conversion rates, and average time spent in each stage, so you can determine where additional velocity or quality attention is required.

Analyze your marketing strategy by comparing your success with target accounts to the customer profiles you’ve had most success with overall.

Align your team by reviewing a common set of demand generation success metrics on a consistent basis, and orienting on how those metrics are trending.

Understand campaign attribution trends, so you can easily see what programs are having the greatest effect at which stages of the funnel, and adjust your programs accordingly.

Interested in seeing Marketing Highlights in action? Request a demo using this link.

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